Sunday, September 20, 2009
Stretching my fingers
So why start writing? Why now?
Well. The Truth is I've got a new link here from my name. net
It's cool.
yo. So's anyway I just got a whole crazy space-out after mentioning that,
about having a fake name link here and then advertise that website around, so people would know this name. Then put a listing in a phonebook with that name under some PO box you register to that name.
Anway. So things have been great back at school. And it feels great to be writing again. I'm deciding right now, as I'm typing this that I'm going to learn to touchtype if it kills me. Because the way I do it is pure of improper habits.
ugh. so now i,m touchtyping and thiings are going much slower.
So now I'm not and t hings be cray-z!]
Anyway so yeah, Im back and typing again. I dont understand why anyone would read this but people do. So why not? I'll write.
XKCD just gets me. It makes me cry. I didn't know there were so many people like that. Who'd get that, laugh at that.
Its beautiful.
I love how in the age of google, you can just say things, and people will look'em up themselves if they're interested. Google. Wikipedia. Whatever.
I could probably use some editing. I'll work on that.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Iranian Footballers who wore Green Protest Ribbons Banned for Life
"The fate of the other two players who wore the wristbands is unknown. None of the team members were given back their passports upon returning to Tehran after the match, which ended in a 1-1 draw – a result that ended Iran's hopes of qualifying for next year's tournament.
Karimi is one of Iranian football's best-known stars, having played for the German club Bayern Munich. Ka'abi played for Leicester City for several months during the 2007/8 season. Hashemian and Mahdavikia play for the German teams Bochum and Eintracht Frankfurt.
The gesture acutely embarrassed Iranian officials. The team's chief administrative officer, Mansour Pourhiedari, initially claimed the wristbands had been intended as a religious tribute to a revered Shia figure in the hope that it would deliver a victory on the pitch."
Monday, June 22, 2009
Pilgrims in Putuoshan
Political Rant
Oh, right. I stopped updating. Well thats all over now.
I've been pretty pre-occupied between coming home from China and looking for a job,
but indeed that is no excuse at all. SO! Here I write again.
Uh...hmm.... Oh yeah!
So looking for a job can suck your soul out slowly and painully. I think its a good experience for me, though, since I'm an Economist. Economists tend to lose their souls alot too, but usually by ignoring things like the pro's of job security and by a certain insensitivity to the plight of the common worker... so now I'll be safe from that cause I know what it feels like.
How bout them Iranians! Its funny cause even the "reformist" candidate (look at his platform, its still ridiculous) wouldnt have been all that much fun, but a revloution! mmmmmmmm the only thing we (We as in the free world) could gain from this is less funding for Hamas and Hezbollah. Poor guys, victims of the global recession. May even have to start laying off administrators in the Martyrs division, but they've been losing money for years now anyway, and refused to innovate.
Oh, and read up on Sarkozy's proposal for outright banning burqas in France. Banning. A garment... in case you forgot, one of his early actions was to ban head scarves, yarmulkes, and "over-size crosses" from french public schools.... Now, in his mind I'm sure he's just fighting the "radical" and "religious extremist ideas" these things represent, but I'm pretty sure France is a free country. So what the fuck. The scariest part is nobody's making a stink about it.
I mean, FORBIDDING religious garb. He says its because it represents the debasement and subjugation of women. In many senses it does. But there's also a whole bunch of women who put it on by themselves. Educated women, too. So basically very religious muslims will be banned from France. Imagine banning sheitls. yeah, I think its like that.
more pics from China, and a video.
The pics are from a trip to Huangshan, 黄山,literally Yellow Mountain. Its not really yellow tho, thats just the name. The last pic was my first meal in Xi'An.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
yes. Im back.
Why not!
I can now upload at full speed. I have a twitter.
Welcome back to America.
By teh end of my timeinn China, all my access to blogger was blocked....
But home I am now.
Friday, May 8, 2009
In the Future
when two people, on cell phones,
call each other at the same time
the telecom companies will understand what is happening.
And put the call through.
But you have to wait till the future.
Aaaaaannnd where back!
BY POPULAR DEmand im blogging again!
Imagine space. Imagine the biggest thing you can imagine and make it a million times bigger. Imagine a million Earths all right next to each other. Imagine there are billions of identical galaxies with identical stars and identical planets and identical Earths and identical Yous. Where is the limit of your imagination?
This is bad bad stuff. This is the same old wall over and over again. Maybe Ive lost my imagination? Maybe its never coming back? Maybe its all this green stuff that is limiting me.
How can I know? There are a million billion variables involved in everything, but I want to know them all. Its impossible to. So why try? Yes, I am rambling. I am trying to put my thought patterns in type so I can identify the loop, then see where to get out of it. Like a song you have stuck in your head, but get stuck in a 30 second loop of it because the end seems to lead into the beginning. You’re not sure where the end and beginning are, and you don’t know where your messing up, but you just keep missing your exit, some subtlety you’re overlooking which will let you out of your loop. Happens with thoughts a lot.
So, since I don’t seem to be going anywhere, and since whenever I think too seriously about why I want to do something I end up sitting in place and sucking my thumb, I’ve reached an end point, or perhaps a turning point.
Maybe I am approaching being a perfect Daoist, since whenever I decide to do anything I realize it is silly. Anything that involves a decision is already silly. I eat because I must and seek shelter because I must. After all that stuff, all my urge is just wanton wanting and meaningless trifles. So I can sit in place and not move and even forget about drugs and stuff and just be at peace……
But why is peace a virtue? Why is movement bad and non-movement ideal? The universe urges movement with every single atom, vibrating and flying and aching to do stuff, get excited, get grounded, lose an electron, gain an electron, oxidize, balance, osmose, diffuse, MOVEMOVEMOVE….
Aaaaaannnd where back.
In other news. Life is smelly and nobody really listens to the Beatles anymore. Its sad.
So whats in it?
Its drifting, its drifting and it hits some crazy species and they analyze it. That’s it. Aliens
enjoying human culture when we’re all dust. So dust….
So how bout that wasn’t this a nice party listen we should really hang out sometime don’t forget your coat hehee yeah it’s a bit early but I gotta get to bed yeah, o looks like the cab is here, Okay better not make him wait eheh yeah, no problem, really I had a great time yeah….uh okay….yeah uh huh no problem. Okay. See you later.
Oh man did you hear that shit.
What were they talking about?
Eric you write like you talk!
Well I think like I write, and I write like I talk. So there it is!
Delete is a good word.
Snooze is another good word.
Dragon. That ones nice. Makes you go RaughH a little bit. Like a Dragon goes.
And so my head is heavy.
I can’t write. It wont happen.
the wall disappears
I am only what is appearing on my screen
I cant think any faster than this.
I am limited by the speed of my fingers. I should learn to type. Why not?
Youll be doing it forever. Really the way you type is inefficient. Why does that mess you up. Doing things like necessities. Hey I got it that time. I guess I can visualize the word. See. Now I started visualizing.
So this is a stream of consciousness narrative. I am at my desk.
This is a record of most of the thoughts I am thinking of.
I can hear the sounds of birds and girls playing volleyball. I think.
Or just being Chinese.
The Dragon Pipe is to my left, caked ash inside.
I keep thinking about my electron fart that’s out there on the internet to just kinda linger amongst exabytes of data until the servers its on are long dust, until they’ve been corrupted by so many format transfers that they are no longer readable, but people don’t really mind that much, cause it’s the future.
See, add enough time and everything goes away. So what have we to hold on to?
That woody allen bit from Annie Hall is awesome…
10 yr old woody and his mom are at the psychologists office.
“Its all meaningless” - Woody
“But what does that have to do with YOU?!?!?!” – Woodys jewish mom
So yeah. cool!
Sorry for teh double spacing. Friggin Blogger. Formatting bugs should never happen ever.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
after having a very uncomfortable night-time bathroom experience
featuring a Chinese squatter toilet (read: hole in the ground) and a receipt I happened to have in my wallet...
So I was thinking bout "missing home."
While I'm here in Xi'an,
I periodically get a pang where I miss my nice home in Shanghai,
where I know where everything is and where to get good food and where I know some people.
But then while I'm in Shanghai,
periodically wonder what it would be like to be home at NYU,
with all my buds and Bobst and Washington Square and the whole deal.
But while I'm there I periodically want to go home,
and sleep in my own bed, see my family, and eat home food.
Except if I spend too much time there, I start to lose my mind.
So, These places are real,
but I also see them almost entirely through the lens of my memory,
as if these places are in my head.
Then which is "home"? Are any of them? Is my sense of comfort and at-ease just so completely fractured that no matter which one I'm at I'll always need something from another place? I always have to keep moving as I get my fill of one place and need what another can offer?
Or maybe the only home is when I'm on the road, with my backpack and my own mind for company?
I been taking lots of pictures and those are the coolest part of all this,
writing is fun too.
The fact that everyone here is an only child is really fucking weird. Think about it, no teammates,
its the two on one parent-defined reality for your entire life. Scary.
So I was right, I did here hebrew, and after I visited another tyourist trap I introdiced myself to the group of Israelis and boom: family. So I hung out with this group of Israelis last night,. smoked, it was all good fun. Then thismorning we all toured this hot springs place together, after which I went to Terra Cotta army. Which was pretty crazy. I smoked beforehand but lost my bud there, so now I'm on empty...alcohol only. Pictures pictures....
So then I took a train home.
At the last minute last night a room opened up at the hostel and I found somewhere to stay, so Im all settled.
Yesterday I met this Architecture student cause he was sitting next to me at a restaurant, and tonight I met him and a few of his friends at a bar near his school and he told em all about Xi'an and the life Chinese. Awesome Awesome.
Then I came back to the hostel and got more drunk. Ive been doing lots of thinking about all this too, but I get to write about that later.
Its kinda weird how much Shanghai feels like home these days...
Friday, March 27, 2009
Adventure Time
The train was three tiered. like, a wall, six beds hanging, three on each side of the wall, a little space, and then another wall... and when I say tiers its cause the beds looked like bookshelves....maybe 4 feet wide. Of course, there was beer and ramen being offered constantly for purchase, and I felt right at home.
I had to stop reading my book at 1030pm when every
(I mean EVERY) light in the train turned off for bedtime.
No, I did not have a personal switch. I saw an on off slide on the side of the light itself,
but it was the on/off for the light-cover, which fell on me after trying it.
So then I lay awake in bed for two hours alternately sweating under my sheets or freezing directly under an air duct.
Then I was woken up by EVERY old chinese person on the train talking at the top of their voices. at all of a quarter to 5.
Then I got off the train and life was okay again.
There was also a sad little smoking room in Shanghai railroad Station...
just wanted to remember it....
I got lost in Xi'an,
got ripped off by a muslim noodle guy,
Peed in a bathroom which was four holes in teh ground separated by dividers but not doors,
and were all covered when I got there by four chinese men squatting.
It. Was. Crazy.
ANYWAY snap to present
Im in a hostel
in teh heart of Xi'an,
and I just heard hebrew. SO MUCH hebrew.
Wherever I go, Israelis beat me there.
so then I went to an internet cafe
and got fried on their backporch while watching an old man bath a dog
while a rooster crowed every few minutes.
and then I went to this crazy garden with stone tablets. Pictures wil have to wait till I can get an SD card reader.
Oh yeah,
and the hostels full so I still have no place to stay, but Im banking on this party I was invited to to find a host.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Travel Blog Spring Break: GO!
Sorry it sbeen too long since I put a real post up.
Ive been doodling and dreaming and stuff,
and thatll all go up soon enough
BUT! It is spring Break, and I'm going on a trip to Xi'an.
My friends all grouped up to lame places spring break,
or I have no friends,
but either way, I'm off to see Xi'an.
I don't know where I'm staying and I don't have a plan of what to do and I dont know anybody there except a dude I met on CouchSurfing. ADVENTURE!
Where is Xi'an? Shanghai is on the southeast coast of China,
and Xi'an is a bit north and about a third of the country west.
Xi means west in Chinese.
Its a 20 hour train ride, and I get a bed and EVRYTHING! very cool!
Anyway, so since this is gonna be a huge adventure Im gonna be blogging about it every day
(or as often as I have internet access)
Should be tres cool!!!
New Post tomorrow?
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Is anybody watching?!
All the protestors
all the human rights activists
who were opposed to the anti-Hamas Israel operation Cast Lead.
What have they to say now?
Hamas is now holding all of Gaza hostage.
All of it.
Israel has agreed to open all its blockades.
some with Israeli civilian blood on their hands,
in exchange for ONE live soldier.
thats it,
then end of the Blockade, Gaza has an economy again
the humanitarian crisis is over,
your people can eat.
Just let this one guy go.
But they say: We can hold him another year, and see what you'll offer us then
Meanwhile, they gain face in the Arab world,
for getting the Israelis to offer so much on a deal.
And they keep their wildcard.
I mean JEEZ...
Israel has already released so many terrorists its crazy.
Its actually insane.
The world is insane.
Its like walking past a wild dog,
and it just barks at you.
You dont know why,
you dont know this dog,
but it wants to kill you!
It just wont stop barking at you!
And Everyone around you is just like,
let it off its leash, if you let it off its leash it wont actuallly bite you
even though it sure looks like it will...
And then you say sure, I guess we could try it
and let'em off the leash...
and they try to kill you.
And you fight'em off,
put the leash back on,
and wonder jesus that was stupid,
why did I think this time would be different?
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
More pics - treasure
there were some crazy museums in the Forbidden City
with all sorts of really awesome treasure.
Here the pictures are:
This is a solid gold sphere with pearls to map all the stars and constellations in the night sky.
It's the only still-existing gold celestial sphere in the world.
Since the weather was nice we went for a 1am stroll near Tiananmen square, where we saw two green uniformed guards doing straight line back and forth patrol. We were just walking by (nervously) when he stopped and asked us what we were doing. We told him we were just walking (unaware if we were breaking any laws.)
We sat down at a nearby lampost and then he came over and asked us again what we're doing, so we said Just sitting the weather is nice. I asked him if he always works so late at night, and how longs he's been in the guard corps. He responded with surprising friendliness, and a 15 minute discussion later he had insisted on giving me his email address and he'd given me a Chinese name:
So now I'm chinese.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Delicious Red Beijing Duck
So yesterday I got back from a trip to Beijing.
We landed and headed to the Great Wall,
the Kotel haMizrahi, as it were.
We went to a less touristy part.
It was long. And had lots of stairs and was very old.
and pushing down the ladders
while Huns were trying to climb them and invade your country and rape your wife.
I have to describe historic events to myself from a personal view
to convince myself they actually happened.
We partied that night at HouHai, a local bar district,
which was actually a neon loop around a man-made lake
There were live "bands" in every bar (= shitty guitar players and chinese singers karaoke-ing US music)
It kinda hurt my soul a bit.
Much cooler than HouHai was the Forbidden City,
with all those really typical looking China buildings.
I'm pretty sure I recognized one of the huge opening areas from Mulan.
The place was huge, miles in every direction with extremely large buldings
over perfectly flat paved squares.
The place was built in the 1400s,
and was inhabited by an emperor and his concubines advisers and servants up until
1911. Pictures tell the story best.
This one was about 15-20 feet tall, 10 feet wide, and 1000 ft Bad-Ass.
There was also plenty of Communism around,
which was pretty cool as well. Tianmendfc Square (with the tanks and know.
We wanted to go check out the Mao Zedong Mausoleum, where he lies in state (and formaldehyde), but there was a meeting of important party officials and we weren't allowed in.
They were having a meeting around his body to discuss future Party decisions,
as if he was watching them...crazy.
I also had Peking Duck,
in Peking.
Which was pretty damn tasty.
Those are the highlights, but there is definitely more, and I will be posting again in the next few days with pictures of some of the CRAZY treasure they had in the Forbidden City, the story of how I made friends with a Communist guard (and how he gave me my Chinese name), and a picture of the crazy toilets they use here. TUNE IN NEXT TIME!!!
Monday, March 2, 2009
I just went to a western restaurant and it felt more natural
to turn the for and knife upside down and use them like chopsticks...
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Brain Log
And not what I'm thinking.
Ive been doing lots of ruminating,
since Ive got lots of time to do it,
and I have been having crazy dreams,
which Ive been recording in random notepad files scattered around My Desktop...on my laptop...
So I'm in China and I spent some personal time with a pretty 26 yr old
chinese lady recently, and I'd like to share.
The fact that everyone in this country is an only child really messes with them.
I mean, only children are different, having siblings affects how you develop.
Most of them are doted on as the pride and joy of their parents' lives...
parents just born in the wrong country and generation,
when that was the legally enforced method of
population control. Kinda crazy.
They also tend to be very immature. the on I spoke to as her own job
but lives with her parents. And can't imagine moving out till she's married.
Only child, like everyone else...
Here are some pictures of stuff.
This is a tofu dish that's really popular here...
its really squishy and soft tofu, almost like a jelly
My bike is too far from my computer for me to take a picture...
Your body is the oldest thing around you most of the time...
Those first tree-dwelling hunter-gathering Homo sapiens
was, for 99.9% of his DNA, exactly like you.
The only big difference between you and him
are the tools man has built for himself and
the ideas he's invented...
Just one big big tower of a thousand generations of ideas on ideas on ideas on ideas....
And thanks for the comments! please leave more!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
The Life Chinese at Twenty-something
Why has it been so long since your last post?
have your forgotten about your loyal readership?
Of course I havent!
Ive just been so busy making blog-worthy stories
that I havent had the time to tell them!
Where to start?
I bought a bicycle for 150RMB (=20 bucks)...
Traffic laws are almost nonexistent in this country, and anyone can cut off anyone at any time,
regardless of lights or lines or one-way signs,
ANYWAY there are tons of bicycles out and about, old women and young men and people in suits and everyone... SO
I was going up onto a highway when my bike's chain broke and I almost spilled right in front of a bus.
So I walked my now useless bike back to the store where I was able to argue in chinese until they fixed it. I made it halfway home before my right pedal fell off. Back to the store.
A week later I was brave enough to take my bike out for a spin one more time...this time the chain broke as I was pulling out of my Uni...they laughed at me when I went back to the store, but I still argued a brand new chain out of them (since I purposely broke the old chain extra badly so they couldnt try to fix it.)
Bikes get stolen extremely often here,
but I wouldnt wish this one on my worst enemy. Pic coming soon.
Now I'm going to go have dinner with this chinese girl I met at a club Friday. I'm treating her to KFC, which is a very acceptable date restaurant here in china.... Soooooo more news later!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
passive-aggressive and the self-delusional.
I voted delusional myself.
Convincing yourself your happy is definitely the easiest way to go about things.
You just gotta mean it.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Doodles from class
I've started drawing again.
Here are my latest doodles.
This is what I learned today in Intro to Marketing
Stern Classes are retarded.
In other news:
Batman the animated Series is currently blowing my mind.
Its been a while since I've purposely held off on watching episodes
for the first time
just to savor the awesomeness of a series.
And may have found a nice girl who likes me too.
Time will tell...
Thursday, February 12, 2009
and its 3 am shanghai time.
I just got back from a club.
I. Hate. Clubs.
They're like every bar mitzvah I never enjoyed.
Why can't one person go up to another in the street and say
"hey, you're cute, and if you're interested I would like to have sex with you."
What would be so wrong with that?
Instead, we have a multi-billion dollar a year industry called "clubbing"
which involves very loud, bad music, seizure inducing colored light craziness,
and evil sex dancing
which isn't dancing,
and isn't sex.
Fuck. that. Shit.
I just got back from a club.
A girl I thought was way into me but wasn't that pretty,
but was cute, and tres cool, and I was worried I'd hook up with,
turns out to be a full-fledged lesbian,
complete with long distance gal-friend.
I danced with some girl from my progrm who lives in off campus housing,
who we on-campusers dont see that often,
but she seemed a little too interested in taking those crazy
self-held digital camera photos,
and I just didn't have the energy to invest in
2 more hours dancing to maybe get a number,
maybe get invited back to her place,
so I said I'd be right back and
never was.
Then when I came back to see if maybe it wasn't so bad this time,
I was hailed by this group of too good to be true
gorgeous brasilian women.
They were really, really, beautiful,
very tan with very blue eyes.
Within 40 seconds of sitting down,
one of them put my hand on another one's breast.
They both looked at me.
The one I was sitting next to started making out with me,
and then squeezed my crotch.
So we were all making out, and I was getting felt up.
And thought, drunk as I was: This cannot be real.
So then we start making out.
"What are you doing here in Shanghai?"
"I'm a student at __University! What are you doing here?"
"I'm an escort."
"...oh.......uh...I'm a student, I have no money." and I make to get up.
She holds me down literally by my crotch,
makes out with me,
and says
" you dont need money to have a girl"
Maybe she was not lying,
maybe I could have just gone with the flow,
and made it happen tonight.
Instead, I went home.
Right? Wrong?
I dont think I'll ever know.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Orient-ation Week
Been a busy bee lately.
I've also lost weight, though I'm trying to make it back in beer.
I just can't eat a healthy portion of the local cuisine before a persistent queasiness forces me to stop. Blech. I've eaten two KFC Fish sandwiches out of sheer desperation. Blech.
The other day I ate two lamb skewers off the street behind my Uni.
They cost about 14 cents each. Stupid? Yes. Desperate? Yes.
Didn't get sick! Well look at that.
Dorms are nice,
people are nice. 89% of the program I'm on is Asian.
70 out of 107 kids are from Stern...
Surprisingly, nobody seems too icky.
Unfortunately, there is only ONE very pretty lady in the program,
though I'm sure there are a bunch of pretty local students at our host Uni,
once classes start and they all come back to school after the Chinese New Year celebrations.
Will keep ya'll posted RE: the ONE.
I have friends in China. Yay.
The schools been taking us around incessantly, but I do have some way wicked pictures, and HERE THEY ARE!!!!
That's Chairman Mao, who chills in the center of campus.
There's a lawn in front of him where only the Americans ever play ball,
cause everyone else is scared of him.
Fossils are awesome.
Not only does this dude have a bad-ass beard,
He's also one of the characters in Romance of the Three Kingdoms.
This is one example of why I can't eat anything here,
Kosher or no Kosher.
Look! A new Poll! Top Right! Take it!
Until next Time!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
China Pictures
No, no Chinese Jews. Just Expats,
but very friendly.
One dude, Irving,
who, surprisingly, is NOT a 45 year old balding accountant,
invited me to his friend's apartment nearby,
where we drank and drank.
a 40 oz. bottle of Budweiser cost me 50 cents.
a 20 minute cab cost me all of $3
True stories.
Then we went clubbing. Which was lame.
I'm also slowly starving to death,
since all the food here is like...crazy. know, maybe Ill put some pics of dishes up here.
I know how to say "vegetable dumplings"
but unfortunately,
nobody has any.
I got excited when I saw some sushi at a store but,
silly me,
it was crab and ham sushi!
no. so I had a salad, and ate it in a nearby park while listening to OK Computer.
And got stared at. Shamelessly. By everyone.
Can't really pretend I didn't like the attention.
And here are some pictures, finally.
The chinese reads: People are really smelly.
Nah. I have no freaking clue what it says...
and here is the view from my 21st fl hotel balcony:
Friday, February 6, 2009
What does "Masseuse" mean to you?
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Welcome To China!
and we exchanged ripped movies off our hard drives and discussed recent comic book films.
Good way to pass the time.
It did not take me very long to get ripped off for the first time.
When I landed after a 15 hour flight (West and North, over the North Pole. I flew over Siberia!)
and changed some money, some middle aged woman asked:
So I said yes, at which point I had to follow her
in the complete opposite direction of the Taxi sign I'd seen.
I was a bit suspicious but too tired to care,
though there is always the fear of being totally fucked over
and having my luggage stolen at gunpoint when I get into the car.
After a long and sketchy walk we got outside and an old red jalopy picked us up,
and the woman was looking around constantly, very nervous.
She rushed me into the car and we were off.
I'm pretty sure what they did was illegal, since they weren't a real taxi-cab,
which are heavily regulated by the state.
Since there was no meter and I only had a rough idea what it should cost,
I got very ripped off (I found out after the fact).
I am having trouble uploading the movie I took in the car, hopefully all internet in China isn't this bad.
~The Twenty Something
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Travel Blog China: GO!

Tomorrow Evening I am getting on a plane,
and will see this out my window by early Friday morning.
I am in Shanghai technically to study and be all awesome future ambition man.
But the grades are supposed to be easy,
everything is ridiculously cheap,
and you get attention just for being white.
So I get the inkling that I'll be having crazy adventures.
And since the chance to re-live them is a quarter the reason you had them in the first place,
I've decided to record my thoughts and impressions of my adventure abroad.
Also I just listed "Travel Blogging" as a hobby on a scholarship app,
so I think I'm morally bound to blog now anyway...
And it'd be the coolest thing to have a personal peanut gallery,
so comments are very welcome.
Hope you enjoy it!
~A Twentysomething
Nature in My Own Backyard:
This is the view from a footbridge where I smoke all the time with the ducks.
I just watch them, they don't care about me.
Every now and then one of them quacks, but in vibrato
a drawn out quack-quack-quaaaaaaack
It always reminds me of someone laughing.
So the ducks are having a good time too.

Why go to the wild?
Well I just saw Into the Wild which,
despite its horrid length and unbearably Vedder soundtrack,
had an affect on me.
The beautiful nature shown in the movie is inspirational,
set so closely to contrast with man's
individual struggle for survival.
Helps you feel how you were made.
Viewing the behavior of modern humans
can be much more meaningful if one remembers
how we are all hard-wired,
what evolution has taught us over the years.
Our own psychology.
I got to China on Wednesday!
~the Twentysomething
Friday, January 30, 2009
Saturday, January 17, 2009
"But there are no missions. Once you realize there are no missions you feel wonderful."
-Tomas, The Unbearable Lightness of Being
Life the RPG.
JAZZ LIK 10489
JAZZ LIS 30823
Brain Speed: 937400 -.01 = 937399.99 neurons/milisecond
~The Twentysomething
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Spectrum Sublimation

Time and Space tear and streak,
melt away. It is the moment of transformation,
of realization, the line when
the rules of the game change, and things move very, very fast.
Why''d I make it? Because.
Love in Manhattan
Woke me up.
Saw people just living, trying to make the social thing work in a tough city.
Well, now I believe Manhattan is a liveable city.
So I'm being friendly. And making friends.
And its working.
I can feel my hard cold image of the city thaw all around me.
So my friend drags me to the Blue Note for some jazz. Its some fun stuff. In a good mood I notice the waitress is the same one from New Years. And I mention it and she thinks I'm hitting on her, and I was really just trying to sound like a regular so she would accept my ID. It says I'm 25. Yeah right.
Anyway, she believes Im 25 and hits on me the whole show.
I suspected she did it wth everyone.
But not so. Just me.
So after the show she told me to come back in a half hour for her number.
I did,
and she turned around while just getting off work,
at the end of her shift,
putting her coat on, making for the door,
and she sees me waiting by the entrance,
eye contact, smiles,
very romantic.
After I find out I wont be wisked immediately by her to her apartment,
I admit that I am only 20. She is extremely surprised.
I guess I do look older.
I find out later she, L, is 26 yrs old.
She is black and waitressing while waiting for her big break as
an actress, her true career path.
and from Baltimore.
I am a White Jewish Male who goes to NYU,
Aged 20 years to perfection.
From Long Island.
We start talking, and I'm the academic and she's the one whose about feelings
and she brings up religion talk right away
and listen
for a kid my age I have dealt with a tremendous amount of existential philosophy.
And I have seriously thought out most any God question thrown my way.
So I impress. And I can laugh. Thank you Woody.
So she drives me to the station.
I invent a train I need to catch,
my excuse to not spend any more money on this evening
if it wasnt ending at her place.
She offered to drive me to Penn,
but we got there one minute after the imaginary time,
so I had to invent ANOTHER train,
a half hour later,
so for 25 minutes we chatted in her car. And I won her over.
We have a date tomorrow...
Good stuff.
And now I love Rhapsody in Blue.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
The World Lately
so damn lonely anymore.
I think I know I can make friends now.
Even in the city.
All your feelings,
your thoughts and perceptions...
everything you are,
is a series of binary neurons with two positions,
on or off. Firing in tandem and in an observable way,
Create a fabric, an OS, a Windows program,
on which you run your body, using your brain's impulses as commands.
Constantly receiving and exchanging information with the body as well.
It is just electricity. Pleasure is just electrical stimulation of the right part of the brain.
We know how to do that.
We can hook you up with a pleasure button directly to your head.
For science. We've done it on monkeys.
They will push the pleasure button,
and ignore food,
until they starve to death.
Brain pleasure center stimulation is what its allllll about for them.
I'm recently coming to terms with the fact,
that I live towards the upper end,
of one of the richest countries
in the history... of.... the... world.
I am one of the luckiest human beings ever to exist,
out of all the homo sapiens to ever walk the Earth!
Just lucky I was born in a year further along
in the development of my species!
Nature has created us.
It is really the Mother,
something sensed by Man since time immemorial.
Evolution shaped us,
and evolution is about adaptations to the environment.
Evolution is about growing into the Earth,
reconnecting, and yet,
it is also about growth.
We have grown out of the Earth,
We are dark haired for hunting reasons.
Our Brains are ye big for survival purposes.
One day a brain was born and realized it could remember and transfer ideas,
using a newly developed communication system,
and our modern society was born.
All products of our society,
our art, our media, our music, our literature,
our time off, the fact that we like swimming,
and hamburgers, and berries and whipped cream,
Its all because the Earth shaped us that way. And so
Sonic the Hedgehog, a lightning fast blue hedgehog (?)
who looks nothing like a hedgehog,
fighting robotic impersonations of nature,
a clear illustration of the uncanny barrier and fear,
built deep into the psychology of modern man.
The Earth also bore a creature like us
who like horror films. Roller Coasters,
skydiving, football, the church,
could the church not just be a gut reaction
to the seemingly perfect cradle
the Earth affords to all life, an attempt to praise nature,
deify it. All religions start with the same problem.
How did I get here.
This is just too perfect.
And it is.
Because we don't have the memories of the 1.7 million years of homo erectus pain and suffering in the name of evolution to give rise to us, modern man. A species all its own.
With Love,
~The Twentysomething
Monday, January 5, 2009
On The Batman
I hadn't read comics since I was 10.
After I DLed a DVD of the Marvel Civil War comics,
I got hooked again. And then I rediscovered Batman.
And he is my hero.
I believe, and have for years,
in the infinite potential of man.
Man's powers of reason, of system building and determination
leave me confident that most individuals greatly underestimate themselves.
Batman is the realization of the human ideal. And yet not because of his actual achievements.
Batman's true genius does not lie in his fighting prowess. When Batman is out there actually kicking asses, the most amazing part of him is only on display in flashes and glimpses.
His genius is in his preparations. His Utility Belt, with every antidote, laser heater, anti-freeze, smoke grenade, batarang, spare grappling hooks, and everything else, is only a part of it. He studied the arts of being a detective. He has read books and books of philosophy and ethics. He knows multiple languages, practiced escaping every conceivable death trap, and can read lips. He studied martial arts for decades and has worked his body into perfect human form.
In a word, it is his will to learn which I find the most inspiring.
We as humans can retain so much information, so many different skills and abilities,
all we need is proper motivation and the information will go in and stay in.
Everything you learn might may be useful someday.
I want to know everything,
and be prepared for everything and anything I may want to do,
physically and mentally. Like the Batman. yeah