Sunday, September 20, 2009

Stretching my fingers

My last post was funny because I thought they were ridiculous for thinking they could get away with that. Iran's national soccer team? I mean come's Iran.

So why start writing? Why now?

Well. The Truth is I've got a new link here from my name. net
It's cool.

yo. So's anyway I just got a whole crazy space-out after mentioning that,
about having a fake name link here and then advertise that website around, so people would know this name. Then put a listing in a phonebook with that name under some PO box you register to that name.


Anway. So things have been great back at school. And it feels great to be writing again. I'm deciding right now, as I'm typing this that I'm going to learn to touchtype if it kills me. Because the way I do it is pure of improper habits.

ugh. so now i,m touchtyping and thiings are going much slower.

So now I'm not and t hings be cray-z!]


Anyway so yeah, Im back and typing again. I dont understand why anyone would read this but people do. So why not? I'll write.

XKCD just gets me. It makes me cry. I didn't know there were so many people like that. Who'd get that, laugh at that.

Its beautiful.

I love how in the age of google, you can just say things, and people will look'em up themselves if they're interested. Google. Wikipedia. Whatever.

I could probably use some editing. I'll work on that.