Sunday, March 1, 2009

Brain Log

Ive decided I think its silly to record only whats actually happening while I'm here in China.
And not what I'm thinking.

Ive been doing lots of ruminating,
since Ive got lots of time to do it,
and I have been having crazy dreams,
which Ive been recording in random notepad files scattered around My Desktop...on my laptop...

So I'm in China and I spent some personal time with a pretty 26 yr old
chinese lady recently, and I'd like to share.

The fact that everyone in this country is an only child really messes with them.
I mean, only children are different, having siblings affects how you develop.
Most of them are doted on as the pride and joy of their parents' lives...
parents just born in the wrong country and generation,
when that was the legally enforced method of
population control. Kinda crazy.

They also tend to be very immature. the on I spoke to as her own job
but lives with her parents. And can't imagine moving out till she's married.
Only child, like everyone else...

Here are some pictures of stuff.

Self-Portrait from the Tallest Building in the World
But you can't tell cause shanghai has bad smog.

This is a tofu dish that's really popular here...
its really squishy and soft tofu, almost like a jelly

My bike is too far from my computer for me to take a picture...

Your body is the oldest thing around you most of the time...
Those first tree-dwelling hunter-gathering Homo sapiens
was, for 99.9% of his DNA, exactly like you.

The only big difference between you and him
are the tools man has built for himself and
the ideas he's invented...

Just one big big tower of a thousand generations of ideas on ideas on ideas on ideas....

And thanks for the comments! please leave more!

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